Saturday, September 4, 2010

DAY 19

Today we were in Rosyth, the gateway port to Edinburgh, Scotland. I was planning to go on tour today to the Roslynn Chapel, but something came up on the ship and I had to work in the afternoon.

The Roslynn Chapel is the one that is visited by professor Langdon at the end of the Da Vinci Code novel.

There were no parties up in the Wardroom tonight, so a fellow officer and I decided to have a walk around the passenger decks to see what sort of entertainment was available. The passengers must have been tuckered out from the day in Edinburgh because it didn’t seem like many of them were out at about 2300. There was a tropical party in the Starlights Lounge and the dancer show in the International Lounge. We went to go see the dancer show and it turned out to be the one with all of the ABBA songs in it. It is one of the good shows that the headliner theatre company performs.

After a drink in the Tiffany’s bar after the show we decided to call it a night.

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