Saturday, September 4, 2010

DAY 28

Today was another busy one right from the get-go. Fitting the new motor controller yesterday turned out to be a bit trickier than I would have hoped. The type we had in stores as a spare was a newer model than the one I was replacing and all of the inputs and outputs did not marry up. I had to delve into manuals for both controllers to figure out how I could keep the same operation with the new controller as it was with the old one. Long story short it was easier said than done and it took half of the day to finally put a stamp on it and say it was done.

Tonight was the welcome aboard cocktail parties. When we sail out of Southampton the WOBs are always the second night of the cruise. When we sailed out of Barbados they were the third night of the cruise, to allow more time to unpack and get the good clothes sorted out.

A few of us went up to the Trattoria after the cocktails and I had the Lasagna again and it was amazing again. We ordered some red wine, Chateneuf du Pap, to have with dinner.

After dinner we ended up in another officer’s cabin where a small contingent of other officers had gathered. There was a lot to drink and a couple of movies - Taxi Driver, and The shining - were played on the 32 inch screen that this particular officer had. All of the standard TV sets in the cabins are only about 17 inches but it is perfectly acceptable to buy your own.

After awhile I stumbled back to my cabin and hit the sack.

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