Saturday, September 4, 2010

DAY 24

Today we were still in Dublin because due to the change in itinerary it was decided to spend overnight here. If I were a passenger I would think that this is even better than a day call into somewhere less vibrant than Dublin, but there are people that will complain about missing Stornoway.

Today was rather quiet on the job. Some fellow colleagues were feeling the effects of a good night out in Dublin last night.

In the Wardroom this evening we had the Pre-Dinner Drinks event again, where we invite passengers that we like up for a cocktail before dinner. I didn’t get a chance to invite anyone this time but other officers had invited several people so I wasn’t without someone to talk to.

After the cocktails a group of us went up to the Conservatory for the Asian/Oriental Buffet. I always enjoy this buffet and I thoroughly stuffed myself. I didn’t want to go to bed on such a full stomach so I stayed up for a while reading a book.

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