Saturday, September 4, 2010

DAY 20

Today we were in Lerwick. It was a tender port and it didn’t go particularly well because of the times that we arrived and had to depart. We came in a bit late, which made everyone rush about trying to get off of the ship to their tours. We only have 4 tenders that hold about 65 people each so it takes a bit of time to get 1000 passengers off the ship. The sea was quite choppy as well my friends which didn’t help the situation.

From what I could see from the upper decks Lerwick looked like a nice place. But that is as close as I got to it on this occasion. They cancelled the crew shore leave because they didn’t get all of the passengers off of the ship until about noon and they needed to get them all back on by 1600.

In the wardroom tonight was “Casino Night”. The entire casino department came up to host whatever we wanted to play. There ended up being a few blackjack and Texas Hold ‘em tournaments. I sat in for three games of blackjack but couldn’t turn a profit so I cut my losses and called it a night. I watched the rest of the gambling taking place and there were some interesting things that happened during the Hold ‘em tourney.

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